Dental Insurance Information

Do I have dental insurance?
Dental insurance is sometimes provided as an extended benefit as part of your employment package with your employer or through a government program (e.g CDCP, OW, ODSP, HSO).

What does my dental insurance cover?
The extent of coverage available in your insurance is unique to the plan that has been negotiated between your employer and the insurance provider. Caradoc Dentistry cannot negotiate the terms of coverage with your insurance provider. Understanding your insurance coverage will guide you when it comes to selecting between the dental treatment options available to you. Dental insurance policies do not usually cover 100% of any dental fee. In some instances, dental insurance companies will cover less than 50%. We encourage you to contact your insurance company personally, to ensure you have full knowledge of your coverage. A few suggested questions to ask include:

  • How many scaling units are covered per year?
  • On what interval are my recall exams covered?
  • Do I have an insurance maximum? Is it contract, rolling, or calendar year?
  • What percentage do you cover basic restorative? (i.e. dental fillings)
  • Do I have major coverage? If so what percent, and what maximum? Knowing this will answer questions as to your orthodontic, crown, implant coverage.

How do I have to go about claiming my dental insurance? Do I have to pay first? 
You have the option to select Assignment or Non-Assignment of your Dental Insurance Benefits. Your dental plan can directly pay Caradoc Dentistry (Assignment of Dental Insurance Benefits), or you can pay for the appointment and have your insurance company reimburse you (Non-Assignment of Dental Insurance Benefits).

Should you choose to Assign your Dental Benefits to Caradoc Dentistry and if there is a remaining balance outside of what your Dental Insurance Benefit covers, you will be responsible to pay the balance at the time of your appointment.

Predetermination Policies
Predetermination policies are when your insurance company requires you to get their authorization before you receive the treatment you are seeking coverage for. This process can be time consuming and frustrating. Caradoc Dentistry will support and guide you through the process wherever we can, and we will help fill out necessary paperwork and send it away on your behalf!



Office Hours

  Monday 8:00AM - 5:00PM
  Tuesday 8:00AM - 7:00PM
  Wednesday 8:00AM - 5:00PM
  Thursday 8:00AM - 5:00PM
  Friday 8:00AM - 1:00PM
  Saturday CLOSED
  Sunday CLOSED

Become A Patient

New patients and emergencies welcome. We welcome you to our practice and look forward to helping you and your family preserve a lifetime of healthy teeth and bright smiles!
For more information on dental insurance or the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) program see the Services tab at the top of the page

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